User Profile - el_murmel
Username | el_murmel |
ID | 415599290 |
Level | Moderator (500) |
Points | 19877248 |
Messages sent | 11674 |
Last seen | 2024-12-23 20:38:44.414874+00:00 |
Last active in chat | 2024-12-22 18:39:54.369415+00:00 |
Time spent watching the stream | 23 days and 6 hours |
Time spent in offline chat | 2 months and 24 days |
Logs | Twitch Mod Logs IVR Logs |
Permabanned on habibivassi | No |
Roulette stats
Total points rouletted for | 115990 |
Roulettes amount | 2 |
Profit | -115990 |
Winrate | 0.00% |
Biggest winstreak | 0 |
Biggest losestreak | 2 |
Biggest loss | -90020 |
Roulette history
Time | Diff |
2024-08-15 20:01:37.222632+00:00 | -25970 |
2024-04-12 20:00:39.393259+00:00 | -90020 |